Richard Sweeting - Internet Entrepreneur of the year
I very much consider online Fantasy Football Leagues to be a great example of viral marketing – Especially the mini league sections. Someone reads a newspaper and sets up a league. He or she then tells all of their friends to join in.
This year I am part of the Telegraph competition. I like the fact Alan Hanson has a team so I can pit my managerial / soccer knowledge against his. Pity it is not very easy to see how many points Alan has got though.
It’s well worth having a look at how the transfer system works. The Telegraph want you to purchase their paper. Therefore to enable player transfers you must enter a code printed every Wednesday.
Now Google the following: “Telegraph Fantasy Football password”. 1,000 websites and blogs with this code on!
I particularly like Richard is accepting donations via his pay pal account for telling you the code. Very funny.
It seems that Richard is no longer updating his website.
My website is updated on a weekly basis:
Daily Telegaph Fantasy Football Password
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