Richard Sweeting - Internet Entrepreneur of the year
I very much consider online Fantasy Football Leagues to be a great example of viral marketing – Especially the mini league sections. Someone reads a newspaper and sets up a league. He or she then tells all of their friends to join in.
This year I am part of the Telegraph competition. I like the fact Alan Hanson has a team so I can pit my managerial / soccer knowledge against his. Pity it is not very easy to see how many points Alan has got though.
It’s well worth having a look at how the transfer system works. The Telegraph want you to purchase their paper. Therefore to enable player transfers you must enter a code printed every Wednesday.
Now Google the following: “Telegraph Fantasy Football password”. 1,000 websites and blogs with this code on!
I particularly like Richard is accepting donations via his pay pal account for telling you the code. Very funny.