Stick Soccer Beta launched
Stick Soccer is on its way! Will it be as successful as Stick Cricket? Will I actually be able to score?

Form your own opinions:
Thanks to Chris from for the heads up.
What makes an online game great? How do they spread? Why should I play them?
Stick Soccer is on its way! Will it be as successful as Stick Cricket? Will I actually be able to score?
Good viral campaigns utilise existing passions and current events to generate high levels of PR. A simple example is newspapers and websites wanting to find interactive Christmas content to add a level of festivity to their products during December. Ideally you want to find a popular event that is not used by many other companies so that your campaign stands out.
My presentation can be downloaded here
I am always confused why games companies and distributors do not use viral games more effectively to promote their products. For instance my company created a racing game to promote Vauxhalls VXR car range that was played 20,000,000 times and resulted in 3,000,000 unique visitors to their website. Tie this in with a “Do you want to test drive this car” message at the end and bingo – car sales. The user has formed an emotional bond with the brand, experienced some degree of the product and are open to calls to action.