"In what can only be described as a hugely significant move, video games retailer GameStop has acquired leading online Flash games portal Kongregate. The website boasts in the region of 10m users and is one of the most important players in the increasingly significant casual games sector.
Kongregate will now act as a wholly owned subsidiary of the retailer.
The deal will also allow GameStop to evolve its website from a pure e-commerce portal to one that actually hosts a huge amount of game content. Kongregate is widely regarded as having some of the very best free-to-play titles on the internet – ironic, really, seeing as it’s the rise of such portals that has asked some of the most serious questions put to traditional retail."
In 1998 Mike Hawkyard set up a multimedia agency called 4T2 (www.4T2.co.uk) with Robert Fell. Our first viral game was built for a pitch to Hubba Bubba one year later. Since then we have gone from strength to strength and our clients now include numerous international brands. I truly believe that high quality online games are the most cost effective method of driving traffic and increasing brand loyalty currently available on the Internet. If anyone would like to dispute this over a game of golf my clubs are always in my car.
Mike is also the chairman of TIGA.org's Casual Game Committee.