Using Google to launch viral games
During a recent seminar for Licensing Pages I talked about the use of Google when trying to make games go viral. I suggested searching for “submit games” to locate websites that may wish to feature your content. A large proportion of the sites you find will embed your material in order to make their own websites more popular, therefore earning them additional revenue from banners or content sensitive advertising. recently tried this tactic and increased their Alexa ranking from 100,000+ to under 7,000 in a matter of days.
Assuming that you are happy for your material to be used in this way you also might want to try placing the code a user will need to embed your content directly underneath the material itself. Using the code I found on I did the following in approximately two seconds.... (And then took it off again when I kept playing the game instead of adding Blogs!)
PS. The code to gain additional lives is Wave, Tree, Mountain, Cloud, Moon, Sun.